Monday, February 21, 2011

Hedging in Data Commentaries

Dear Professor

As you know the average scores in regular and make up exams are 86 and 72 respectively. I would like to provide the explanation of why there is a big discrepancy between regular and make-up scores.
First of all, the time when the exams were taken have impact on average score. The regular exam was taken on Wednesday, whereas make up exam was taken on Friday, which is the end of the week, and possibly students were tired at this time.
Even though the levels of exam difficulty were the same, the number of students taking exams were different: regular exam had more participants than in make-up exam. As we know, more the number of students in exam, more chances that they can cheat.

Also, I think that proctors had considerable impact on results: regular exam was proctored by professor, and make-up exam was proctored by TA. Students at regular exams had advantage of asking questions from professors, in case if they were not sure about something. Whereas students at make-up exam couldn't be provided that advantage.
Finally, the room temperature had definitely had its influence on students. As I found out, the room temperature at regular exam was 20C, what lets students stay cool and sharp minded. Regarding make up students, they had 28C room temperature, what made them feel sleepy, more tired, and scattered.

To be concise, I would like to note that conditions while exams taken were really different, which, I think, made such a big difference in their average score.

Kindest regards,

Zhakypov Daniyar

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