Monday, April 11, 2011

Graph data commentary

The graph above shows us the level of import & export in China throughout 2006-2003 years.
 The Y-axis graph illustrates the total value of import & export in billion dollars, while the X-axis illustrates the years.
As two lines in the graph have very similar slopes, we can tell that both import & export lines are demonstrating generally the same patterns. Thus we can assume that Chinese import and exports are directly related to each other.
2003-2004 starts its export level at $ 33 billion and import level at $ 27 billions. In that year range, lines are mostly increasing, ending in 2004 with a successful rise. However, the start of 2004 year provides us the sinking pattern of both lines, which continues till the middle of 2004. After middle of 2004, graph reports a slight, but continuous increase throughout the 12 months, till the middle of 2005 year. The graph depicts the highest point of import and export of China at the middle of 2005 year. After this point Chinese import reaches its highest $ 33 billions, while export also reaches it's highest $ 42 billions.
After its highest points both export and import make a sudden fall down to $ 38 billions and $ 32 billions respectively. After this fall, both lines start climbing upwards again till September 2006.

The graph shown above contains information about number of passengers using the metro at different day times of day.
The metro usage starts at 6:00 in the morning, with its 100 passengers. According to the given graph, the number of passengers soars up to the 400 people by 8:00 am. It must be explained by the rush hour, when all people try to get to their workplaces. After 8 o'clock morning graph shows a dip to 200 customers by the 10 a.m. Then, graph shows stable rise up to 300 passengers by 14:00 p.m. Afterward, the number of metro users drops down to 100 by 4 o'clock p.m. Then, graph illustrates a spike, which again reaches its highest point of 400 passengers by 6:00 evening, and sharply declines till it's lowest point 100 customers by 20:00 p.m. The next hour passenger number slightly increases to 180. After 9 o'clock p.m., metro stations again reach the 100 passengers level and then metro station closes till the next morning.
Relying on information of graph above, we can assume that rush hours in metro stations are in the morning, midday, and the early evening. It is probably related with going to job place, having the lunch and going to home from job place of passengers.   

Favorite Place

Nearly all people have their own favorite place. Some go there to have fun, some people to reanalyze their past, some go just to spend time.

I have my own favorite place to go. It is favorite because it is the place where there are three different forests, divided with single road and narrow river . Actually it is next to private camping place of our president in Almaty city. As it is really hard to go there by car; and usual person rarely decides to go there by walking; it is very quiet place. Though as it is my favorite place I reach there by taking a bus for one third of path; and cab for second third of destination; then I go by walking. It is also weekend workouts for me. The first forest consists only of birch trees. And it is the easiest forest to reach: it is on the lowest hill. The second forest consists of fir-tree and third forest is the forest of mixed mountain trees. And all these three forests are on the mountains. And I usually walk all three mountains including the intersecting place between them. Although people keep telling that you may face wolves and bears, I haven't met them yet.

I usually go there on Sunday's, very early. I take with myself my girlfriend, foods, and blankets. After reaching that place I usually lay on the blankets and sleep for a while to have a rest after tough journey. Then we watch a movie with laptop, eating food. As I found out in pure oxygenated area body digests food very fast.

I usually come down from mountains by evening, so that I can attend city's evening weekend parties and clubs. I am considering it because I feel much more energetic after such short camping.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


The topic presentations made by our classmates were really interesting. But I didn't get almost all of presentations, what they were about. It is because of my bad listening skills; and because of my classmates accents that are totally weird for me.
Nevertheless, at least I had understood my own topic, which was comparing three different research work sections. The topic name was "Abstracts, introductions and discussions: How far do they differ in style?".
To be honest, till this topic presentation I didn't know the real differences of these three sections.
Abstract is the section of the text, where author should be as precise as possible. It has tough word limitation, and that's the main difficulty of writing the abstract section. Hartley says that still many authors find it difficult to write abstract for the research. Some authors even write it incorrectly. Reader of abstract section faces not the less difficulty, while reading it. Hartley's short research defines abstract section as the most compounded and least perceptible section among these three.
Regarding introduction part of research, Hartley finds it easier to write it and read. As introduction part can contain much more words than abstract, it can be slightly more detailed.
The discussion part can be much more extended than the previous two sections. Consequently, it is most understandable part for reader. Also it is least difficult part for author to write. As in this part you are free to write in your own and convenient style, authors dig quite deeper into research topic in these section. Hartley's work define this section as the easiest part to write and read.
If I had more time, I would investigate in related to these topic. To be more exact, I would like to know all the methods and software algorithms that define difficulty and vocabulary level of the text. Because in Hartley's research work, authors use software that is fairly simple. That's why, Hartley says that his research results are not absolute and not applicable every where. There definitely must be some more complicated methods and algorithms that define difficulty and perceptibility of text, and also the difficulty level of vocabulary.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hedging in Data Commentaries

Dear Professor

As you know the average scores in regular and make up exams are 86 and 72 respectively. I would like to provide the explanation of why there is a big discrepancy between regular and make-up scores.
First of all, the time when the exams were taken have impact on average score. The regular exam was taken on Wednesday, whereas make up exam was taken on Friday, which is the end of the week, and possibly students were tired at this time.
Even though the levels of exam difficulty were the same, the number of students taking exams were different: regular exam had more participants than in make-up exam. As we know, more the number of students in exam, more chances that they can cheat.

Also, I think that proctors had considerable impact on results: regular exam was proctored by professor, and make-up exam was proctored by TA. Students at regular exams had advantage of asking questions from professors, in case if they were not sure about something. Whereas students at make-up exam couldn't be provided that advantage.
Finally, the room temperature had definitely had its influence on students. As I found out, the room temperature at regular exam was 20C, what lets students stay cool and sharp minded. Regarding make up students, they had 28C room temperature, what made them feel sleepy, more tired, and scattered.

To be concise, I would like to note that conditions while exams taken were really different, which, I think, made such a big difference in their average score.

Kindest regards,

Zhakypov Daniyar

Move 1 B

 Citations are widely recognized as being an important and distinctive property of academic texts. As a consequence, the presence or absence of citations allows the casual reader to get an immediate sense of whether a text is an “academic” or “popular” one. Because citation is such an obvious surface phenomenon, it has been much discussed in the academic world. Indeed, there are several theories about the role and purpose of citations in academic texts.

For example scientific people support the idea of that citations are used to show respect to previous researchers. Authors use citations to tell that they recognize the history of the realm, and they show define previous achievements of other authors.

Also there is opinion which is widely proposed by standard practice guides. They think that citations are the matter of ethics that are used to define the intellectual property rights of author; and it's defense against plagiarism.

However, there are some individuals that have interesting and considerable opinions. For example Bavelas (1978) says that citations are just the evidence that show the author belongs to a scholarly community. Similarly Gilbert (1977) tells that writers use citations in order to give greater authority to his work. Whereas Swales (1990) proposes that citations are used to indicate what has been done in this research area, and what is going to be done by the writer. There are even individuals like Ravetz (1971) think that the citations are type of mutual reward system. Ravetz thinks that writers decide to use citation rather than paying money to other authors for their contribution.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Graduate's time management challenge

     According to Moor's law, the information in the world doubles each 18 months. This is the major reason that makes people keep maintaining their education. Normally graduate students still keep working while continuing to their education. Even though colleges offer evening classes in order to facilitate the time management of graduate students, there are still some issues that are faced by students.
     As graduate students have their own hierarchy order in which education & career development is one of most important things, they don not consider other aspects of time management. They have to work hard and pay the earned money for education. However lack of importance to some other considering aspects may impede their main goal progress. One of these aspects is healthy life. Though this aspect is not so important in goal list, it has significant impact on development at all. It concerns not only doing sport, but also healthy diet, days off, some sport activities that will keep your mind clear.
    Students usually get tired after work, and still have to go to evening lectures, which sometimes become the symbol of boredom to student. Moreover, they have to do tasks and homework, which have deadlines. The deadlines require intense effort from student, who will have to devote his nights also.
    Nevertheless, students decide to build a time management, which is mainly aimed to accomplish tasks. Thus, they ignore all other aspects of normal life, including time for the health activities. However, there is another resolution of challenge. The answer is regular sport activities. Although this choice doesn't seem the one that you expected, it carries solution.
    Benefits of sport clubs are infinite. Scientific research have shown that investment of a little time of daily schedule on sport gives result as student's better concentration tasks. Moreover, doing regular sport activities, students feel themselves mentally sharp and emotionally balanced all the day. Students must give a portion of their day to sport club. These activities will affect the organism of human in positive way. For example it cleans blood in body and takes out oxidants that are stuck in organism, because of lazy, inactive and boring life. Subsequently student improves not only his appearance, but also increases capacity of energy storage for a day. That means that student is able to devote time for all his major goals each day. Additional benefits such as better sleep and better digestion keep students stress resistant.
    In conclusion, graduate students are not advised to ignore their health issues. Instead, make it one of essential habits in order to reach their goals. It is strongly recommended for graduate students to devote some of their daytime to sport and other health related activities